pay online

For rent payments, owner payments and any other payments, use our secure online payment system:



If you are paying a Security Deposit and/or a Non Refundable Pet Fee(s) please click the icon below and once logged in choose the ACH option to make a payment with your checking account:

If you are making only a rent payment or creating a service ticket and have already set up your tenant portal account please click the button below and once logged in choose the ACH option to make a payment with your checking account:



If you are making an Owner Contribution to K&R Properties please click the icon below and once logged in choose the ACH option to make a payment with your checking account:



If you are interested in applying for a property managed by K&R Properties please click the Rental Application button below where you will be prompted to pay the Application Fee after submitting the application.  Please make sure every field on the application has a character in it even if there is not a co-applicant otherwise it will not go through.